Impact of Diversity Policies on Turnover Intentions: Mediating role of Job Satisfaction in Fertilizer Industry of Pakistan


  • Khaleeque ur Rahman HR Consultant & Visiting Faculty, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan


Turnover intentions; Job Satisfaction; Diversity Policies; Age Diversity; Gender Diversity; Ethnic Diversity; Education Diversity


Workforce Diversity is considered multi-facet concept as the world has evolved as a global village and organizations are competing in global marketplace. The major challenge faced by the HR Managers and Line Managers in times to come will be managing increasingly diverse workforce and design diversity related policies in a way that bear positive results of various employee outcomes. This research is focused on the Policies on various dimensions of diversity has been studied to assess their effect on turnover intentions. This study (n=208) tests the research model of turnover intentions consisting of independent and mediating variables in Fertilizer Industry of Pakistan. This research is conducted to understand the impact of organizational Diversity Polices on employee outcomes and understand how Diversity affects the functioning of the group? The Research Model composed of independent variables (Gender Diversity Policies; Age Diversity Policies; Ethnicity Diversity Policies and Education Diversity Policies), mediating variable (Jobs Satisfaction) and Dependent Variable (Turnover Intentions). The influence of Gender, Age, Ethnicity and Educational Background related diversity polices on Job Satisfaction and Turnover intentions were examined with data obtained from Sever Fertilizers Manufacturing Companies. The Gender, Age, Ethnicity and Educational Diversity policies were found positively significant on Job Satisfaction, whereas it is negatively significant with Turnover Intentions.





