Author Guidelines

  1. Before you submit:
  • Review Aims and Scope: Ensure that your paper is consistent with the journal's focus areas as described in our Aims & Scope link of section (OJS).
  • Review our ethical principles for authorship, originality, and conflict link of interest (OJS).
  • Prepare your text according to our formatting and style rules (see below/ A sample paper is attached).
  1. Manuscript Submission:
  • Use our online submission system to electronically submit your manuscript (OJS).
  • Attach all required files, including the cover letter, manuscript, and any other supplementary materials.
  • Ascertain that your manuscript has been anonymized for the process of double-blind peer review. The names and affiliations of the authors ought to be listed in a different document.
  1. Formatting and Style:
  • Language: American English which is clear and simple should be used while submitting manuscripts.
  • Font & Spacing: Use 1.5 line spacing and a regular 12-point font (such as Times New Roman).
  • Margin: Keep all side margins at one inch.
  • Numbering: Commence the numbering of pages on the title page and continue it throughout the document.
  • Abstract, Keywords, and Length of the Paper: Provide an abstract of (150–250 words) that highlights the main findings of your study. Give three to five keywords.
  • Headings: Utilize the APA 7th Edition heading levels (Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References) to create a consistent heading structure.
  • Tables and Figures: List the tables and figures in numerical order, with an explanation title appearing above each. Incorporate concise captions and explanations in the text's body. Make sure they are of excellent quality.
  • References: Use APA 7th Edition style for in-text citations and the reference list. 
  • Abbreviations & Acronyms: Define all abbreviations and acronyms upon first use followed by the full term in parentheses.
  1. Template

           Authors are required to follow the AMR Template

  1. Support Team

           AMR team is available to respond the author's queries, please submit your query at